Monday 20 July 2009

Drover’s Trail

A trail of hardship

For those who walked

Oatmeal for feed

And whisky

For warmth.


Drover’s of many

Cattle to the mainland

And so in the cold

Of early morn

They made their way.


Capes of sacks

Tied with rope

When rain lashed down

Whisky their only relief.


Hardened of elements

Aged not they

As the Lairds lay sleeping

And maidens dreaming

The drover’s made their

Ghostly way.


Silence of the forest

Shadows all around

Rocks underfoot

Cattle stumbled around.


Mile upon mile

Slow was the pace

Year after year

The drover followed the trail.


As you embark upon the trail

Be not afraid at night

If you come upon

Bedraggled stranger

Voice of Gaelic

With a wee dram in hand

Smile, but be silent

Unless the cattle be startled

Upon this mist covered trail.


Poet of the Isles © 2009

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